Utility Cost &  Forecasting Analytics


Utility Cost & Forecasting Analytics services include the strategies and development of financial tools to assist you in managing your utility. While these offerings may appear refreshed, they reflect the same trusted services our team has been delivering for years. Our team has been providing customized solutions and support to clients for years, leveraging our extensive experience in Utility Cost & Forecasting Analytics. We’ve continually tailored our tools to meet our clients’ unique needs.

Pricing plays an essential role in cost recovery and is seen as a key driver in the modification of energy usage patterns of consumers. Understanding your costs and the impact of pricing are fundamental components of successful business and marketing strategies. EnerVision offers our clients an enhanced comprehensive pricing approach in which:

  • Costs are viewed as more than just numbers
  • Costs are examined for their drivers and impacts on your business
  • Cost of Service Studies are not cookie-cutter templates
  • Rates are viewed as mechanisms to encourage desired consumer actions


     Our specialties include:


Financial Forecasting

What are the trends driving your costs 5-10 years in the future? What scenarios can be analyzed to better manage cost risks? Financial Forecasting is a planning tool that helps utilities adapt to uncertainties primarily based on load forecasts, fuel price forecasts, and economic factors.


Cost of Service Studies

A fundamental principle of electric utility rates is that the prices charged to members should reflect their utility’s cost to provide service. In addition to being a fairness issue for members, it is crucial for the recovery by utilities of the revenue requirements associated with providing that service. We take away the “black box” of cost of service studies.


Pricing and Rates Strategies and Design

Establishing pricing and rates strategies assist in guiding consumer actions and usage of energy to their benefit as well as to the utility. EnerVision begins this process at the 15,000-foot level considering the utility’s financial, competitive, member service and other objectives. We work with utility staff from all relevant departments to ensure that new rates under consideration can be supported by various metering, billing and other internal systems.


EVI Integrated Revenue + COS Model

Rate design meets revenue requirements – we work through an iterative process with your Cost of Service Study to ensure the existing and new rates produce the revenue necessary to support the utility’s cost projections.


Tariff Design, Rate Setting & Implementation

Once decisions have been made on rate design, we will work with you to prepare materials for presentations for the Board of Directors and regulatory bodies, if applicable. Effective implementation requires education of utility staff and members/consumers about rate changes. We ensure that all internal processes are ready to support those changes and any new rates.